
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I haven't forgotten

I know I said that I would try to post a pic of my shirt when I got it, and I will. The only problem is that I haven't recieved it yet. It was shipped a week ago, so I don't know what is taking so long. I am hoping that it isn't lost or anything. Hopefully I'll have it by the end of the week.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hey there!

Just wanted to check in real quick and say "hi." I know I haven't blogged much lately and there really isn't any excuse for it. I actually got on here today because I was going to delete some of my blog posts that I didn't think were very good, but after reading them I decided to keep them up. I guess they weren't as bad as I remembered.

Anyways, this will be a short post. I have been trying to prepare for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and I still have some work to do. This will be my first time participating, and I am really excited. I ordered my shirt earlier this week, and it was shipped out yesterday, so I am anxious to find out how long it take to get here. I am hoping I won't have to wait till Monday. Maybe I'll post a picture when I get it.
