
Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Time Management

Lately I've been finding it hard to get things done.  This isn't a new problem for me, I've gone through this before.  I have been wanting to write a blog post and I figured I might as well embrace my distractions and talk about them. 

Here are my favorite time wasters.

1. Animal Crossing (both on the Wii and the DS)- I have been playing this game daily lately.

2. Pintrest- I am fairly new to this sight, but it didn't take long for me to get addicted. It seems like I am always looking to the internet for inspiration and now I can  keep track of all of the awesome things I find by pinning them.

3. The Internet- I am just going to save time and say the entire internet is one big distraction for me. I read blogs. I check Facebook. I watch videos on YouTube. I read various message boards. I do all of this daily and it can take as little or as much time as I need it too.

That is all for this blog post tonight. I hope you will forgive me, but I am watching Mansfield Park as I write this...and it's kind of distracting.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Today was a day of firsts for me. 
3 things I did today that I've never done before:

1. I went to Trader Joe's.
This was a cute store, but it was so crowded that it was almost impossible to just look around at all the stuff. I felt like I was just in everybody's way. I want to go back, but I'll try for a less busy time.
2. I went to Crate and Barrel.
I've seen catalogs from this store, but I have never actually been inside of it until today. It was a very nice store. If only I had the money to shop there.

3. I went to Orange Leaf.
This is where you can load up on all the frozen yogurt and toppings you want and they charge you by the ounce. It was very good and I'm sure I will be back soon. I know my husband will love this place.

I never meant to leave this blog dormant for the summer, it just kind of happened. Once you get out of the habit, it's hard to pick it back up again. Instead of writing about all the things I've done this summer I'm just going to post some pictures for you to look at. Sadly, there aren't many of those either. (Another habit needing to be picked back up.)

That's all for today. I'll be at the zoo tomorrow, so maybe I'll have another post soon.